Is an e-book reader a suitable tool for carrying your research library with you? Like most scientists, I have a large collection of research papers (as PDF files) and want to have them with me, so that can read when I'm on the bus, in a café, waiting for a lecture to start, or in the evening in bed. At conferences or meetings, I often want to look up details or show a figure to a colleague. Here are my experiences using an e-book reader: in short, it didn't work. Instead, an inexpensive tablet computer is a better choice.

The Open Studies course "Climate and Human History" at the Office for Lifelong Learning, the University of Edinburgh, looks at the impact of climate and climatic variations on certain periods of world history. It runs for 10 afternoons from 19 January 2012, each week on Thursdays at 2pm-4pm.

Ten morning sessions on the mechanisms of pattern formation in Nature, running form January to March 2011 as part of the open studies programme at Edinburgh University.

The Open Studies course "Climate and Human History" at the Office for Lifelong Learning, the University of Edinburgh, looks at the impact of climate and climatic variations on certain periods of world history. It runs for 10 afternoons from 12 January 2010, each week on Tuesday at 2pm-4pm.

The Mausoleum of Augustus, which was built in 28 BC, was one of the major buildings erected by Augustus Octavian. Given that Octavian was a shrewd politician, who was able to play the power games of his time very successfully, one would expect that he designed his Mausoleum not only because he needed a decent family tomb, but that the building also served a political purpose.

Teile des Frühmittelalters sind eine Fälschung — wohl die meisten Menschen, die diese These zum ersten Mal hören, reagieren spontan ablehnend. Doch dann liest man Texte von Heribert Illig, und man kommt vielleicht ins Nachdenken, ob man die These vom erfundenen Mittelalter vorschnell abgelehnt hat, weil sie auf den ersten Blick so weit hergeholt und unwahrscheinlich erscheint. Ich möchte hier jedoch einen tieferen Blick auf Illigs Argumente werfen und damit einige Hinweise geben, warum man kritisch mit der Behauptung umgehen sollte.

Wie wichtig waren Trancezustände im Leben und der Religion unserer schriftlosen Vorfahren? Eine archäologisch schwer greifbare Frage, können wir doch das Steinzeitleben nur aus wenigen materiellen Hinterlassenschaften rekonstruieren. Immaterielle Aspekte wie schamanische Praktiken scheinen sich dagegen unserer Untersuchung zu entziehen.

Ten evenings about the mechanisms of pattern formation in Nature form this evening class which is held again from January to March 2009 as part of the open studies programme at The University of Edinburgh. When the course was held in spring 2008 for the first time, it was fully booked.

Die in der Bibel beschriebene Beobachtung des Propheten Hesekiel von Feuerrädern und Figuren am Himmel hat zu vielen Spekulationen geführt. Präastronautiker sehen in ihr die Beschreibung eines außerirdischen Raumschiffs. Doch Geowissenschaftler schlagen nun vor, dass der Prophet vielleicht ein Polarlicht beobachtet haben könnte.

Ten evenings about the mechanisms of pattern formation in Nature form this evening class which is held from January to March 2008 as part of the open studies programme at The University of Edinburgh.